Day 5
Matthew 5
Really the Beatitudes or the "Blessed Be's" in the Sermon on the Mount are quite explanatory.
The list of the blessed are as follows:
1 The poor in spirit
2. Those who mourn
3. The meek
4. Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness
5. Those who are merciful
6. Those who are pure in heart
7. The peacemakers (not peacekeepers)
8 Those who are persecuted for righteousness sake
The blessings of the blessed are as follows:
1. The kingdom of heaven
2. Comfort
3. Inherit the earth
4. Filled
5. Mercy
6. See God
7. Be called Sons of God
8. The kingdom of heaven
Notice that the kingdom of heaven is given to two kind of people: those who are poor in spirit (humble) and those who are persecuted for righteousness sake. So if we want God to display the kingdom of God through us, we must have a humble heart and not be afraid of what people say or do against us because we declare the name of Jesus. Be glad that we are accounted worthy to be called names and insulted because of the name of Christ Jesus. If we get into a pity party, we miss out on the fullness of the blessing of the kingdom of God. It is Satan who wants to steal our JOY, so be alert and when you are persecuted for Christ's sake, REJOICE. Being in the family of God is the greatest blessing; it's above what we could ever imagine or think.
So we need to shine our light...the light of Jesus within us so that others might find their way out of the sea of darkness in this world. We are like a lighthouse, beaming our lights out into the stormy night, and as the Holy Spirit draws others to Himself, He draws them to Jesus who lives in each one of us who have invited Him to come and live in our hearts. When they respond to the light, we can open our hearts to them, and lead them out of the darkness into the light of His Word, His Truth...........for Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
We find Jesus not abolishing the law but fulfilling the law. There is much difference between abolish and fulfill. Abolish means to "end the observance of", while fulfill means "to render full, complete." In the Quest Bible, it says, "With his sin-free life and sacrificial death, Christ perfectly kept both the letter "and" the spirit of the law. Other than Jesus, no once can perfectly obey God's law.
In Ephesians 2:15 note in the Quest, it says, "Christ's life and death met the requirements of Old Testament law. At the same time, Christ's death and resurrection removed the law as an obstacle to coming to God, replacing it with salvation by faith in Christ's finished work."
In Matthew 5, we see that it is not only those who kill someone with a gun, knife, or any other way, is the one who murders. Jesus plainly said that if anyone is angry with his brother (can be sister too) will be subject to God's judgment. Or if we call someone a fool, the same. To call someone a fool was to label someone as worthless, even hopeless, and we all have worth in God's eyes. He plainly tells us if we have a problem with someone or we know they have a problem with us, that if we are giving a gift at the altar, we are first to go to them and make things right before bringing our gift. If we don't settle things quickly, then we will fall into God's judgment.
Jesus plainly explains that you don't have to commit the physical act of adultery to have committed this act. But just to look after someone lustfully, is to have already committed adultery in your heart. It seems many who may judge others in this sin, could easily have committed it themselves, at one time or another. Jesus explains that it is better to have no eyes than to have eyes and continue to lust after another.
Jesus hates divorce, but loves the divorced. It is because one or both of the people who are married becomes hard heartened towards the other, refuses to forgive the other, generally that dictates divorce. Moses allowed divorce in the Old Testament for this very reason. God's will is for restoration, but for restoration in a marriage, both husband and wife have to be working towards that. Otherwise, one person cannot make a marriage. One cannot control another person's decision. You cannot take a person where they do not want to go.
When we tell someone we will do something, it is best not to make a vow or oath, because our word should be good enough to make the promise stand. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. To keep your heart pure, your words need to match your heart. It is ok to have boundaries, and saying no to something you really don't want to do is better than saying yes with a "I don't want to but I'll do it" attitude.
If someone is mean to us, we should be kind to them. When we go in opposite spirit, we shake up the kingdom of darkness. Loving our enemies is hard on our own, but with God's love within us, His grace empowers us to do so. It isn't easy, next to impossible, on our own. The Quest Bible tells us, "The law called for retaliation, but Jesus calls for reconciliation." How we need desperately to get that in our spirits!
Having read through this passage for several days, as there is so much to meditate on. I pray that God will grace me to be able to become what we are yet to be, walking in His perfect will, every hour of every day. I pray the same for you.
Joy and Blessings in HIM!
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